Bose QC15 headphone cable pinout schematic

I love my old Bose Quietcomfort 15 headphone, so much that I decide to add a Bluetooth receiver to it to keep it in service for a couple of more years. During the process, I needed to DIY a short audio cable to connect the headphone and the Bluetooth receiver. I couldn’t find any information about the pinout on the Internet, so I disassembled the original cable to find out the schematic.

QC 15 audio cable disassembled.
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Bluetooth Receiver TT-BR06 volume mod

Last year I bought a TaoTronics TT-BR06 Bluetooth Receiver to use with my iPhone. It works great, and the sound quality is fine. The only issue was that the volume was too loud. I am using it with a pair of Sony XBA-N3 earphone, it was uncomfortably loud even on the lowest volume.

Front of the product

Recently I looked up for this product on Amazon, and I found a review that mentions a modification that can adjust its output gain. I tried it and it worked like a charm. So I’m documenting this mod here. Maybe it also applies to other similar brands of Bluetooth receivers. So if you have similar problems, you can have a try.

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Nokia 770从入手到精通(六)N770 的USB Host模式(下)软件篇

如果完全按照上一篇日志来的话,切换到usb host模式,插上线之后键盘就应该可以工作了,但是键位有点别扭,比如主回车键在xterm下居然不是回车,得按小键盘上的回车键才行。
USB键盘要玩rdesktop的话,需要在rdesktop的选项中勾上“BT keyboard”,进去以后键盘操作很爽~

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Nokia 770从入手到精通(六)N770 的USB Host模式(上)硬件篇


N770默认是工作在Client状态的,所以连接到电脑上以后会以一个U盘的形式存在。现在我需要把N770变成一个USB Host,支持连接鼠标、键盘、硬盘、U盘、MP3、USB HUB、USB转RS232等一堆设备,好处多多。


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